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DaskalosNikolaos A. MARGIORIS

100 Great Greeks




Volume B'




Brief Curriculum Vitae of Nikolaos A. Margioris


Authorship-Editing: Ilias L. Katsiampas


Student of Nikolaos Margioris for a decade


*Introductory note by the biographer: The following biographical summary of Nikolaos A. Margioris, a small part of which was broadcast on television on 16 and 23 February 2009, has been published in the second volume of the three-volume publication by SKAI CHANNEL which is composed of the 100 Great Greeks of All Time as elected by the public in the scope of an open vote that was organized by SKAI CHANNEL in April 2008. It was followed by the circulation of 2 DVDs of the television presentation of the 90 Great Greeks plus 6 DVDs for the first 10, which were released and distributed throughout Greeceas an insert in the newspaper ‘KATHIMERINI’. The television presentation of Nikolaos Margioris is included in the second DVD and his written work of a 1500-word analysis is included in the second volume. He held the 60th place among the 100 Great Greeks of All Time.




Nikolaos A. Margioris belongs to the 100 Great Greeks as he greatly contributed to the formation, presentation and popularization of current Greek Metaphysical Philosophy based on the comparative analysis of the most popular international philosophical views in this area with the corresponding Greek views.


At the same time, he presented his own studies and interpretations of critical Ontological and Eschatological issues. He regularly conveyed his thoughts in theoretical and practical ways by which the modern Greek and the modern man could redefine his spiritual path and evolution in the contemporary Greek or global environment of corruption and social disintegration. His contribution is engraved in his 189 writings and in his multi-faceted and invaluable preserved verbal testimonies and teachings.


Nikolaos A. Margioris was born on December 15th 1913 on the island of Samos and from a young age he settled in the Greek Community of Alexandria (GCA) that was flourishing in those days. The most creative part of his life was spent in the Alexandria of Cavafy where he was exposed to the multicultural civilization of the city. Furthermore, he spent many years in India and Tibetwhere he basically studied Buddhism, Yoga and was trained in Meditation. In 1958, he returned to Greece where he developed and promoted his work.


In Egypt, N. Margioris became acquainted with the mystical philosophy of Helena P. Blavatsky (Helena Petrovna Blavatsky) that is proposed in her books Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine. Given that eastern metaphysical views constitute the basis of western mystical philosophy and in his effort to comprehend the depth of eastern philosophy, he was guided to India and Tibet where he was trained for many years in ancient Brahmanism, the Vedas and Upanishads of Hinduism, in Raja, Jnani, Karma, Bhakti, Kriya and other forms of Yoga as well as guided on the path of the elders of Buddhism.


It was there that he met his contemporary Jiddu Krishnamurti (he spent most of his life in the United Kingdom). They often discussed the connection between Theosophy and neo-orthodox mysticism. The catalytic influence of Krishnamurti in the early years of the master guided him to collaborate with Kostas Melissaropoulos, the late philosopher and theosophist. Later, he developed a different view concerning the work of Krishnamurti.


In pre-war British Egypt, he participated in study groups of eastern philosophy and its development into European Mysticism. Apart from English and French that was spoken by every Greek in Egypt, he also learned Sanskrit, Arabic, Hebrew and Hieroglyphics. His first master and educator in Alexandria was the great Alexandrian Mystic Krino Salvador de Kastro (his father was from Corfu and his mother was Hungarian, a relative of the great composer Liszt). Also, the name of his Indian master was Baba.


He fought in World War II as a reserve officer, where he was seriously injured in El Alamein and in Rimini. For his services to the country he was honored with many medals (it is worth mentioning the GRAND CROSS) as well as with the veteran’s disability pension.


Being a Greek Orthodox, he also tried to explore the connection between the orthodox movements of monasticism and mysticism in the deserts of Egypt in the 3rd and 4th centuries after Christ and eastern metaphysical philosophy.


Christopher II, the blessed Patriarch of Alexandria, guided him in these philosophical quests and set him to work for years at the orthodox libraries of the Alexandrian Patriarchate and Saint Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai Desert. He had hour-long conversations with his student, he honored him with his friendship and he awarded him with the cross of Saint Marc, for his contribution to the Church and the Alexandrian and the whole African Patriarchate. The same happened with Nikolaos the 6th, the subsequent blessed Patriarch.


Furthermore, he became acquainted with and embraced neo-pythagoreanism and neoplatonism and he evolved into a staunch supporter of Iamblichus and Porphyrios, the Greek-Alexandrian neoplatonic philosophers but most of all of Ammonius Saccas and his student Plotinus, as they had already from the 3rd century AD combined neo-Pythagoreanism with eastern philosophical quests.


His love for these philosophers and their work, and especially for Pythagoras, inspired him to establish Schools by the name of OMAKOIO (from omou which means together and akouein, which means we listen to a Teaching) in Alexandria (1946), in Athens (1976), in Lamia (1990), in Trikala (1992) and in other Greek cities.


From 1972, he had already established the Association of Saint Patapios in Athens, where he unfailingly held free public open speeches. He Expired in 1993 in Athens, being fortunate enough to be surrounded by his numerous students who continue to disseminate, preserve and analyze his oral and written work.


N. Margiori’s lived the metaphysical philosophy from a young age and his enthusiasm spread to his students. In the introductory note of the interview that he gave to the magazine Third Eye (December 20, 1992-issue 20) he was characterized as ‘The Patriarch of Greek Metaphysical Philosophy’ and it was the first and last public appearance in his life. One more extensive presentation dedicated to Greek Mystics was published in Avaton magazine (October 2002-issue of September) while similar presentations have been published on websites and writings related to his work.


The “Master” as he was called by his students all over the country, was an enlightened leader for thousands of Greeks in the miraculous world of eastern philosophy and ancient Greek and Christian theory because of his efforts to detach them from the neo-Greek materialism, the extreme cynicism and the perpetual quest for the chimera.


Nikolaos Margioris was a uniquely-gifted modern esoteric experiential personality, of multiple talents and of unprecedented dynamism and productivity, who noiselessly passed the threshold of our country, delivered the quintessence of integrated spiritual experiences that summarizes the interaction of a metaphysical worldview in the oriental cultures and the ancient Greek, Hellenistic and Christian Orthodox view of life and death.


N. Margioris’ teachings consist of the harmonious coexistence of the ancient Greek, Egyptian and Indian philosophical theories with the esoteric Christian tradition through the filter of his personal actualization. At the same time, he provides comprehensive personal answers with unprecedented explanations on Cosmological-Ontological and Eschatological Issues as a result of his personal ‘mystical life.’


His written work could be divided into historical, ancient Greek and mystical, scientific books, books of alternative therapeutics, of Yoga systems and their practices as well as mysticism, occultism, esoteric theology and philosophy, desymbolism of Greek Mythology, meditation, ancient Greek Asclepian massage and hypnotism, scientific spiritualism, philosophy of Astrology and so on.


Among them, the following are worth mentioning: The Two-Volume Metaphysical Encyclopaedia, Pythagorean Arithmosophy, The Eleusinian Mysteries, Dravidians, the Ancestors of the Greeks, The Last Day of Socrates, The Reign of Minos, the Great King of Crete, The Secret of Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Karma, Raja Yoga, The Pharaohs Akhenaten and Tutankhamun, The Chiroplastic Therapeutics of SHIATSU, Psychotherapeutics without medication, The Birth and Death of the Worlds, Posthumous Life, Mystical Teachings, Saint Patapios, Mysticism-Christocentric and Christocratic Mysticism, The Other View of Erich Von Daniken's Dogma and so on (www.omakoio.gr)


Moreover, 16 years after his physical end many reputable authors and researchers have repeatedly consulted and derived material from his writings with specific references in their literature. Already many of his writings and books have been translated into the English language.


He left behind a prodigious and diachronic wealth of reserves (theoretical and practical) for study and exploitation. If it were possible to print his work in respective documents, they would probably be comparable in volume to the works of Adamantios Orighenis.


In fact, for the preservation, safekeeping and promotion of all this invaluable material, his representatives and his students are considering the establishment of an ACADEMY for the study and dissemination of his work. The first Academy was established by his students under the leadership of Ilias Katsiampas in July 2012 in Trikala by the name “Yoga Academy of Nikolaos Margioris-Omakoio”.


His philosophical and practical work is continued in the Omakoio Schools that he founded as well as in the newer Schools that were established after his death in Greece, while his writings are promoted by his natural heirs. Finally, his teachings are continued by his students as is the publication of newer books based on his personal verbal testimonies and teachings.


* We must express our special thanks to the son of Nikolaos A. Margioris, Andreas N. Margioris for his contribution to the creation of this biography. Finally, we thank the student of the OMAKOIO of Trikala, Vivian Doufa, for her translation of this biography from Greek to English.


Biographer’s Notes*




Nikolaos A. Margioris was deeply knowledgeableabout easternreligions, including Hinduismand Buddhism,as well as modernEsoteric Philosophy and Metaphysicsand their determinative interaction with the classical Greek and Hellenistic education and the contemporary Orthodox movements such as monastic mysticism and others.


The philosophical system that he created is above all Helleno-Centric and is based on a fully experiential esotericmetaphysicaleducation combined with all these philosophical systems in a flowing unity. He popularized the wealth of this knowledge through his modern, explanatory, simple and truly elegant way of speaking.


He deeply believed that every human being could become connected with the roots of his existence and his inner self, using a meditation system based on the classical Socratic stochasmos (meditation), on the absolute concentration of Hindus, on Christocentric Mysticism and on more current psychoanalytical findings all combined to suit the idiosyncrasy and the individuality of every individual.


He personally presents this work in 189 philosophical and practical writings (34 books, 34 special essays, 49 issues of the Omakoio magazine and 7 treatises of metaphysical courses that contain 10-11 different lectures).


It is worth mentioning that his salvaged oral presentations constitute an extremely important and notable treasure grove of philosophical and practical material that is still unexploited.


(*) Ilias L. Katsiampas is a professor of physical education (TEFAA), a journalist and the author of 5 books and many studies, the editor of a magazine as well as the publisher of a daily political newspaper in Trikala, THE SEARCH. For a decade, he was a student and partner of Nikolaos Margioris as well as the founder and director of the neo-Pythagorean philosophical schools the Omakoio of Trikala and Thessaloniki and president of the Association “Yoga Academy of Nikolaos Margioris-Omakoio”. He is married to Sophia Skoumi and he has two children, Lampros and Maria. He lives and works in Trikala, Greece.


E-mails: omakoio@omakoio.gr & omakoeio@gmail.com


(www.omakoio.gr & https://omakoio.blogspot.com)


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